Course Description

Jessica Bowman

Jessica Bowman has 12+ years experience in enterprise-level SEO and improves SEO traditional tactics, but the needle-mover solutions come through enabling development and enhancing operations.

Course curriculum

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    • About the Q&A Calls

    • Call Schedule

    • Have Questions to Submit?

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    Call Archives

    • Read Me

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    February 13, 2018

    • Does Google count DOM in page speed?

    • Page Load Time: Does time to 1st byte matter for SEO?

    • Where things to wrong with header tags

    • How to use Hreflang

    • Do Meta descriptions impact ranking?

    • Why don't we talk about the Meta Keywords Tag?

    • HTTPS, HTTP2, HSTS, and secure certificates

    • Resources from Call

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    March 20, 2018

    • Redirect recommendations and details for site migration

    • Smart 404 redirect pages

    • When you *might* use a 302 redirect

    • Do 302 redirects count and/or pass value?

    • ALT Text vs Image Title - and when to use each

    • Pros and Cons of AMP

    • Will you get a lift from moving to HTTPS?

    • Time to 1st Paint - Does it matter?

    • After implementing Schema, how long until the rating starts appear?

    • When should you do SEO QA Testing?

    • Can you fly in content with JavaScript?

    • With Mobile, will collapsed content actually be counted?

    • Walk-through Google's new Lighthouse Audit Tool

    • Resources from Call

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    April 20, 2018

    • Google Card - Is it effecting traffic?

    • HTTP2 - Will there be a lift after migration? Other benefits?

    • Change 302 redirects to a 301 for a lift?

    • Use the U.S. homepage as Hreflang default?

    • Will moving to HTTPS result in a lift?

    • Used Robots.txt but page hasn't been removed from index

    • Collapsed content

    • Becoming a candidate for the answer box

    • Schema Navigation

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    May 11, 2018

    • Why SEO needs access to Development's ticketing system

    • What to look for when reviewing wireframes

    • What if Development won't not use JavaScript?

    • What requirements to give for rotating carousels

    • Schema markup for product / category pages

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    July 13, 2018 - SMX Recap & Q&A

    • If Schema / structured markup is injected via JavaScript, can Google see it?

    • What's the "page loading issues" in Google's mobile friendly testing tool?

    • What is the inspection tool in Google Search Console?

    • Why is there a drop in July 2017 vs 2018 rankings in Google Search Console when traffic was consistent?

    • Is user intent steady? How often do we need to evaluate?

    • Does moving to HTTPS give a boost in traffic?

    • How does AMP impact SEO?

    • Is it OK if our site links to URLs that redirect?

    • If you remover low quality pages, will it give you a lift?

    • How long can it take traffic to recover from a domain change?

    • How long can a canonical tag take to recover?

    • Which method should we use to apply schema?

    • Do links need to be in a to be seen by search engines?

    • Can Google see onclick links?

    • Can you show Google one thing and humans another?

    • Can search engines read JavaScript yet?

    • How can I see what Google sees?

    • How can we increase our crawl budget?

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    August 10, 2018

    • What was the August Core algorithm update about?

    • Meta No-index and different applications

    • Does the Google Search Console's URL removal tool keep a page from being crawled?

    • What are the things to consider with multi-faceted navigation?

    • What does the date in Google Cache indicate?

    • FAQ, Q&A and How-to snippets... what are they?

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    October 12, 2018

    • We launched technical SEO mistakes and have fixed them. How can we speed up re-indexing?

    • Does marking up content as a "quote" help SEO?

    • We recently saw a spike in Googlebot activity. Should we be concerned? (or excited?!?)

    • If a canonical tag is not always honored, what else could be helping Google identify the canonical URL?

    • Does it matter where our XML file is located?

    • Can we put content in tabs or accordions? Will it count?

    • Possible Google algorithm update October 8th/9th, 2018

    • Google has noticed a lot of mobile sites are not using image ALT text

    • Wireframe walk-through: Big article (like a research paper) wireframe

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    November 9, 2018

    • Notes on the Nov 9th recording

    • Migration questions and risks walk-through

  • $1,995.00

    $1,995.00Technical SEO Course

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